Florist and cafe based in Essendon North Village. Enjoy a complimentary coffee or tea with any floral arrangement, candles or gift items purchased. Estaflora is not merely a business; it's a sanctuary where affection blossoms. Stepping into its embrace, I'm greeted not just by the vibrant blooms but by memories of cherished women who have shaped my world. The name estaflora, delicately weaves together the essence of my daughters, Esra and Talia, with the timeless beauty of the Daisy, my late mother's favourite flower. Every morning, as I open the doors, I am greeted by more than just a portrait of my mother; I am embraced by her spirit, her presence lingering like the sweet scent of roses. With my daughters by my side, I am reminded of
Contact Information
Opening Hours
8 am-6 pm
Closed: Sunday, Monday
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