Florist in shop arranging flowers

Our Best Florists in Essendon

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Professional Florists in Essendon, Victoria

Discover our carefully selected florists in Essendon. Our local flower shops offer professional services for weddings, events, and custom floral arrangements.

The Posy Story Essendon

The Posy Story Essendon

0 0 reviews

The Posy Story is a popular name in the community of Essendon, VIC. With over four decades of experience, we have been preparing and supplying beautiful flower arrangements and posies. Are you looking for a prestigious local flower shop making custom arrangements with fresh and dry flowers? Call our specialists for various gift sets, gift bars, balloons, and fragrant candles if you are within a 7-mile radius.

85A Fletcher St, Essendon VIC 3040, Australia

+61 448 719 710

8 am-5:30 pm

Closed: Open All Days

Floral Accent

Floral Accent

4.9 54 reviews

Wedding and Event Florist servicing Melbourne, Yarra Valley, Macedon Ranges, Dandenong Ranges and beyond. Studio open by appointment only.

2 Elder Parade, Essendon VIC 3040, Australia

+61 491 024 736

Closed: Open All Days



5 19 reviews

Florist and cafe based in Essendon North Village. Enjoy a complimentary coffee or tea with any floral arrangement, candles or gift items purchased. Estaflora is not merely a business; it's a sanctuary where affection blossoms. Stepping into its embrace, I'm greeted not just by the vibrant blooms but by memories of cherished women who have shaped my world. The name estaflora, delicately weaves together the essence of my daughters, Esra and Talia, with the timeless beauty of the Daisy, my late mother's favourite flower. Every morning, as I open the doors, I am greeted by more than just a portrait of my mother; I am embraced by her spirit, her presence lingering like the sweet scent of roses. With my daughters by my side, I am reminded of

1122 Mt Alexander Rd, Essendon VIC 3040, Australia

+61 3 9379 2837

8 am-6 pm

Closed: Sunday, Monday

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Remember to call ahead to verify flower availability and delivery options. Most florists maintain updated inventories and can help you select the perfect arrangement even if they don't have exactly what you're looking for in stock. Many Essendon florists also offer custom design services and can help with special occasions.

Learn more about Essendon by visiting its Wikipedia page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do flowers cost in Essendon, Victoria?

Flower prices in Essendon, Victoria vary depending on the type of arrangement and season. Basic bouquets typically start around $40-$60 AUD, while premium arrangements can range from $85-$250+ AUD. Wedding and special event flowers may cost more. Many florists in Essendon, Victoria offer options for different budgets and can include beautiful native Australian flowers.

Do florists in Essendon, Victoria offer same-day delivery?

Yes, many florists in Essendon, Victoria offer same-day delivery if you order before their cut-off time (usually early afternoon). Some may charge an additional fee for same-day service. It's best to order in advance when possible, especially during peak times like Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Delivery may be affected by extreme weather conditions during Australian summers.

What payment methods do Essendon, Victoria florists accept?

Most florists in Essendon, Victoria accept major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), debit cards, and digital payment methods like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and EFTPOS. Many also accept PayID and direct bank transfers. For online orders, credit cards are typically preferred, and some florists offer Afterpay or Zip Pay options.

What's the best way to keep flowers fresh in Australian weather?

To keep your flowers fresh longer in Australian conditions: 1) Use clean water and the flower food provided, 2) Trim stems at a 45-degree angle before placing in water, 3) Remove leaves below the waterline, 4) Keep flowers in a cool place away from direct sunlight, air conditioners, and heat sources, 5) Change water every 2-3 days, 6) For native flowers like Banksias and Waratahs, use lukewarm water and mist regularly. Most arrangements should last 5-7 days with proper care.

Do Essendon, Victoria florists offer wedding services?

Yes, many of our listed florists in Essendon, Victoria specialize in wedding flowers. Services typically include consultations, custom arrangements, venue decoration, and delivery/setup. They can create stunning designs using both native Australian flowers and traditional wedding blooms. It's recommended to book wedding flowers 6-12 months in advance, especially during peak wedding season (September to March in Australia).

What's the delivery range for florists in Essendon, Victoria?

Most florists in Essendon, Victoria deliver within their city limits and to nearby suburbs. Delivery fees typically range from $12-$25 AUD depending on distance. Some florists may offer extended delivery areas for an additional fee. Rural and remote area deliveries may require special arrangements. Contact individual florists for their specific delivery zones and rates.

How many florists are there in Essendon, Victoria?

We currently list 3 verified florists in Essendon, Victoria. Each has been reviewed for quality and reliability. You can compare their services, prices, and customer reviews to find the best florist for your needs. Our directory includes both traditional florists and specialists in native Australian flowers.

What occasions do Essendon, Victoria florists cater to?

Florists in Essendon, Victoria cater to all occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, graduations, and corporate events. Many also offer seasonal arrangements for holidays like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Christmas, and Australia Day. They can create custom arrangements featuring native Australian flowers or traditional blooms for any special occasion.

What types of native Australian flowers are available?

Australian florists offer a stunning variety of native flowers including Waratah, Banksia, Kangaroo Paw, Protea, Wattle, Eucalyptus, Flannel Flower, and Native Orchids. These flowers are perfect for creating unique, drought-resistant arrangements that celebrate Australian flora. Availability may vary by season, but most florists can source native flowers year-round.

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